
All posts in the Pointless category

I’ll admit it…I HATED the 50 Shades books!!!

Published July 2, 2012 by S

Seriously!  I rarely use the word hate, but in this case I’ll make the exception.

I’m no stranger to a smutty book, or lets just be honest…porn for women that like to pretend they aren’t reading porn.  These 50 shades books are simply terrible!

They are not well written and the incredibly repetitive nature of the content was beyond ridiculous.  Every other page sees the “heroine” using the phrase “my inner goddess” to the point where if it was a drinking game, and you were required to take a shot every time she said it…you’d be drunk by the end of the 2nd chapter!

I forced myself to finish all three on the principle that if I have done so, then I have the right to critique them as I see fit, purely because I will know what I’m talking about!

I have read many books along the same themes as this and honestly find the novels written decades ago to be far more “stimulating”.

I have read stories by the Marquis de Sade which at the time they were written were considered to be quite scandalous.  “Justine” is definitely interesting, but by today’s standards not even close to being risque.  I picked up that one after watching the movie “Quills” several years ago, and becoming curious as to what was truly though to be daring during the reign of Marie Antoinette and then Napolean.

I would however recommend to anyone that actually argues that 50 Shades is well written, to go ahead and get a copy of the “The Story of O”.  This was written in the Mid-1900’s and I can promise you much better.

“Exit to Eden” is another that I would recommend,  written by the same Anne Rice that penned “Interview with a Vampire”, but whatever you do…avoid the movie adaptation made in the 1990’s at all costs.  Not only will you see a horrible bastardized version of a good novel, but you will also see Rosie O’Donnel and Dan Aykroyd in black leather and corsets.  The movie is NOTHING like the book and should not even be considered as viewing material.

So please dear friends…do not fall for the hype!

(And to my friends that disagree and truly like these books…I’m sorry, but this is how I feel.  To each their own I suppose.)

Recent life in review

Published June 25, 2012 by S

I’m about to head to bed for the night and I when I looked back at my day the 2 things that stood out were pirate outfits and not getting copy toner on my new white tank top. What an exciting life I live eh?

Haylee has Pirate day on Wednesday, her 2nd last day of Grade 2. I debates “editing” las years vampire costume into a pirate outfit but she didn’t seem so enthused so I managed to put together something involving a black denim skirt, a bandana, a black beach sarong with gold dangling coins around the edge and tomorrow she will receive some nice black marker “tattoos” to complete the outfit. Not perfect but it passed Haylees scrutiny so I think we’ll be fine.

She is already walking around saying “Yar matey!” to get in character.

Other then that I think things have been pretty typical lately. I work, Mike does Mike things and the kids grow, learn, and have fun. Life is pretty good most days.

People have also been asking more then usual for updates on my surrogacy journey, so I finally updated that blog as well. Read it at:


Other then that it’s going to be a busy week! Jackson is turning 4 on Thursday and Haylee will finish 2nd grade. Where has this year gone? I can’t wait to see her report card! She is such a smartie pants, and isn’t afraid to show it.

How did I get so lucky and get two awesome kids?

Yarrrr Matey!

Published September 19, 2011 by S

Todays post is in honour of “International Talk Like a Pirate Day”.  Why?  Because pirates are freaking awesome! Swashbuckling, sword fighting, rum drinking…what’s not to like?

Fun Pirate Facts

(from: The Pirate Ship)

  • The Jolly Roger flag, with its black background and white skull and crossbones, was designed to be scary. This flag was not used by all pirates, usually it was only flown by those sailing in the Spanish Main.
  • Pirates believed that wearing pierced earrings would improve their eyesight
  • Pirates believed that having women on board their ship was bad luck. They also believed that whistling on a ship would cause the weather to turn stormy (as in ‘to whistle up a storm’).
  • Pirates would take over island ports and make them a safe haven for pirates.
  • Almost all pirates stole their ships because they couldn’t buy ships incase they got caught and sent to jail. Once they had taken over a ship they had to convert it for pirate life, this usually meant making more room for sailors to live on board and strengthening the decks to hold the weight of the heavy cannons.
  • Ships sailing on their own often sailed close to warships or joined other convoys of ships to protect themselves from pirates. Pirates could only attack one ship at a time, so if the sailors traveled in groups there was less chance of their boat being the one that was attacked.
  • Pirate Captain’s would change out of their expensive, flashy clothes if there was a chance they might be captured. This way they could pretend they where only one of the crew, and not somebody important and hopefully escape.
  • Pirates probably didn’t have talking parrots.
  • Although pirates have been around since the 15th century, most pirating happened between 1690 and 1720.
  • On the Caribbean island of St Thomas you will find a place called ‘Black Beard’s Castle’. It is believed that this is where the famous pirate spent many hours looking out for approaching ships.
And for all you feminists out there, yes there were famous female pirates who I’m pretty sure would cut your throat if you called them a “wench”.
If you have any interest in reading about them you can find a bit about them on each of the following links:
A Biography of Mary Read
A Biography of Anne Bonny
And now I’ll end with a couple of pictures of some of my favourite pirates.  Enjoy….or prepare to walk the plank!

Jack Sparrow (of course!)

Will Turner

Wesley aka The Dread Pirate Roberts

Steve the Pirate

Jack the Undead Demon Pirate Monkey